Tag: preparing to bug in

Learning About Bugging In and Arcade Games

learning about bugging in
Learning can be fun!

Learning About Bugging In

Learning about bugging in for new preppers can be intimidating at first, but that does not have to be the case. If you have ever played arcade games like Pac-Xon, here are 5 things the games can teach you about how to: Continue reading “Learning About Bugging In and Arcade Games”

Water Storage and Purification Is Key When Preparing to Bug In

Water Storage and purification should be your first concern when you are preparing to bug in. If you don’t have drinking water on hand if a disaster strikes, you won’t survive for longer than three days, according to the experts. How much water should you plan on having? Continue reading “Water Storage and Purification Is Key When Preparing to Bug In”

Items to Have When Preparing to Bug In

Preparing to Bug In

How long do you think you can survive in an emergency when you are preparing to bug in? Do you think you won’t need to? Look around; watch the news and take a look at all that’s happening in the world today. Continue reading “Items to Have When Preparing to Bug In”

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