Tag: bugging in

How to Stay Warm During Extreme Cold

Now don’t laugh at me. It was cold up north in Arizona and on the reservation the last few nights. What would you do to stay warm during extreme cold, especially if you did not have any heat? We’re going to run through a few things to keep you, your family, and maybe even some of your friends warm and safe. Continue reading “How to Stay Warm During Extreme Cold”

Bug In First Aid Bag Could Save Your Life!

Do you have a bug in first aid bag in your home? You know that an accident could happen within 1 minute into the future where you might have an emergency situation. Do you have what you need to possibly save the life of you, a member of your family – or your pet? Continue reading “Bug In First Aid Bag Could Save Your Life!”

Kitchen Construction Tools You Must Have

There are many construction tools that bugging in prepper sites recommend, but there’s one place in your home that no one usually recommends for prepping. Kitchen construction tools are essential to have in your kitchen. Read on to find out why. Continue reading “Kitchen Construction Tools You Must Have”

Water Storage and Purification Is Key When Preparing to Bug In

Water Storage and purification should be your first concern when you are preparing to bug in. If you don’t have drinking water on hand if a disaster strikes, you won’t survive for longer than three days, according to the experts. How much water should you plan on having? Continue reading “Water Storage and Purification Is Key When Preparing to Bug In”

Items to Have When Preparing to Bug In

Preparing to Bug In

How long do you think you can survive in an emergency when you are preparing to bug in? Do you think you won’t need to? Look around; watch the news and take a look at all that’s happening in the world today. Continue reading “Items to Have When Preparing to Bug In”

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