Month: January 2015

Learning About Bugging In and Arcade Games

learning about bugging in
Learning can be fun!

Learning About Bugging In

Learning about bugging in for new preppers can be intimidating at first, but that does not have to be the case. If you have ever played arcade games like Pac-Xon, here are 5 things the games can teach you about how to: Continue reading “Learning About Bugging In and Arcade Games”

Food Storage Prepping Is Good For 3 Reasons

Food Storage Prepping Is Good For 3 Reasons

Food storage prepping does make sense for 3 reasons that I will explain below. But first, I want to explain just what food storage prepping is. Let’s break it down to two main points. First of all what is prepping; and then second of all, what is food storage? Continue reading “Food Storage Prepping Is Good For 3 Reasons”

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